Cashpoint Hungary Kft.
1037 Budapest, Bojtár utca 39.
+36 1 244 8001,  +36 30 373 1804

info [at] cashpoint [dot] hu

Microswitch for coinmechs

Microswitch for coinmechs

Microswitch for coinmechs with 6.3 mm pins.

Application to use:

  • Mechanical coin mechs (carwash, vacuum cleaners)
  • Self service vacuum cleaners
  • Self service laundry

    Repair Service

    We are a brand independent coin validator, bill acceptor service center. Repair, reprogram, maintenance. We give 3 month warranty for repair job.


    News and innovations on the market for coin validators, banknote acceptors, various electronic cash management and cashless payment systems.


    Monday – Thursday: 8.30-16.30
    Friday: Closed

    Saturday – Sunday: Closed