Microcoin SP
Microcoin SP coin validator

The Microcoin SP is a stylish, space saving coin acceptor, delivering a tailored solution for short profile, front entry applications, where space and cost savings demand minimisation.
In true Microcoin tradition, the SP is unique in its approach to design, technology and operation but does not compromise on function and performance.
Therefore, the SP validator employs complex digital technology to provide, arguably, the most unique and powerful coin validation system available, whilst offering all the “standard” features.
At the same time, it has a radically stylish and appealing design, which houses several patented features such as its unique “Parallel Path” Debris Release system.
At 155mm and 115mm in height respectively, the SP can be fitted to two traditionally dimensioned faceplates, which boast unique reject actions and secure fastening techniques. The Microcoin SP is a global product, with the ability to work with international currencies and any application which requires its unique features, such as kiddie rides, redemption machines, bar top units.
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